Arrrr….Pinterest …

Lounging on the couch in the living room, I began preparing items for Monday’s elementary summer school enrichment program I am involved in. An email from earlier in the day stated it was going to have a pirate theme and possible door decorating contest involved.

Ask anyone, I haven’t been deemed fashionable since birth when random family friends committed acts of kindness to dress the unborn baby in the [nursery]. I have a better chance of being hit by a paintball gun, which would add some color into my wardrobe, than be creative enough to come up with a door decoration. Asking for my wife’s creative design ideas, she pulled up a “cute” elementary friendly image.  Surprisingly, it looked manageable for even me to construct as well.


It was instant love!! I spent the following hours checking out classroom designs, activities, and many random education ideas. I spent the next few hours browsing the “treasure chest” of ideas. Before I knew it, I also had a handful of “followers” as well.


Soon, expect to see a more in-depth post regarding my Pinterest findings.


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